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The ChatBot is the core component that holds all the logic together (you have probably seen it in the quickstart!). As long as you're using the chatbot, it is always imported and accepts a total of 6 props. Note that while all the props are optional, you will end up with the default welcome chatbot if you do not specify any of them. An example of how to import ChatBot and pass it an id and flow prop is shown below:

import ChatBot from "react-chatbotify";

const MyComponent = () => {
const id = "my-chatbot-id" // if not specified, will auto-generate uuidv4

const flow = {
"start": {
message: "Hello there!",
path: "end"
"end": {
message: "See you, goodbye!"

return (
<ChatBot id={id} flow={flow}/>

It is not necessary to specify all 6 props. For most use cases, you'll likely want to start by tinkering with flow, settings and styles before exploring other features.


Below is a list of available props along with a brief description for each of them:

idstringUniquely identifies the chatbot, useful if you have multiple chatbots or for plugins/events.
flowFlowDescribes the conversation flow for the chatbot.
settingsSettingsProvides the settings for the chatbot.
stylesStylesProvides the styles for the chatbot.
themesArray<Theme>Specifies theme(s) to load for the chatbot.
pluginsArray<Plugin>Initializes plugins that enhance the chatbot.

Using ChatBotProvider

The ChatBotProvider component is only necessary if you're hoping to interact with the chatbot externally from your own custom components. If you have such a use case, then you need to import ChatBotProvider and wrap it around ChatBot (for v1 users, this is a direct replacement for the advanced section/features that were available). This will provide your custom components with access to the hooks provided by the chatbot.

Note that ChatBotProvider accepts a total of 5 props, which are the same props accepted by the ChatBot component apart from plugins. More importantly, if you are using ChatBotProvider, you should pass your id, flow, settings, styles and themes props to the ChatBotProvider instead as shown in the example below:

import ChatBot, { ChatBotProvider } from "react-chatbotify";

const MyComponent = () => {
const id = "my-chatbot-id" // if not specified, will auto-generate uuidv4

const flow = {
"start": {
message: "Hello there!",
path: "end"
"end": {
message: "See you, goodbye!"

return (
<ChatBotProvider id={id} flow={flow}>
<ChatBot />

A common mistake is to continue specifying id, flow, settings, styles and themes props inside ChatBot even when it is wrapped by ChatBotProvider. Note that apart from plugins, all other props should be moved to ChatBotProvider if it is used.