This page documents all the available custom hooks
provided by the library. These hooks allow you to interact (externally from your own components) with various parts of the chatbot, such as toggling audio, handling messages, and controlling the chat window state!
Hooks are only relevant if you intend to interact with the chatbot functionalities (e.g. toggle audio or chat window) from outside the chatbot and within your own component. If you have no such use case, you may skip hooks entirely!
Note that in order to import and use these custom hooks within your components, you first need to import ChatBotProvider
and nest your components as its children. We'll look at 2 scenarios below.
Scenario 1: If you have no need for custom hooks, then you do not need to import ChatBotProvider
and can simply use ChatBot
. This is likely the scenario for a vast majority of users:
import ChatBot from "react-chatbotify";
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<ChatBot/> {/* no custom hooks needed */}
Scenario 2: If you require custom hooks to interact with the chatbot (e.g. toggle audio) from within your own components, you need to import ChatBotProvider
and ensure that your components that need the hooks are nested within it:
import ChatBot, { ChatBotProvider } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<MyNotNestedComponent> {/* unable to access custom hooks */}
<MyNestedComponent> {/* able to access custom hooks (e.g. useAudio) */}
import { useAudio } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
// can use custom hook
const { toggleAudio } = useAudio();
return (
<button onClick={toggleAudio}></button>
const MyNotNestedComponent = () => {
// error, cannot use custom hook since outside of ChatBotProvider
const { toggleAudio } = useAudio();
return (
<button onClick={toggleAudio}></button>
It is a common mistake to import these custom hooks from a component outside of <ChatBotProvider>
. If you're running into issues, make sure to check that your component is nested properly as a child of <ChatBotProvider>
An extensive example featuring how various hooks may be used can be found here.
Below is a list of available hooks along with a brief description for each of them:
Name | Description |
useAudio | Manages audio functionalities, such as toggling audio on or off. |
useBotId | Allows retrieving of bot id (mainly for plugin developers). |
useChatHistory | Handles loading, retrieving and setting of chat history messages. |
useChatWindow | Manages the state of the chatbot window (open/close). |
useFirstInteraction | Detects and tracks the user's first interaction with the chatbot. |
useFlow | Allows retrieving and restarting chatbot flow and tracks if flow has started. |
useMessages | Handles sending, clearing, and retrieving messages in the chatbot. |
useNotifications | Manages chatbot notifications, such as toggling notifications on or off. |
usePaths | Manages chatbot conversation paths, such as navigation |
useSettings | Accesses and modifies chatbot settings. |
useStyles | Accesses and modifies chatbot styles. |
useTextArea | Manages the text input area of the chatbot, including setting and clearing values. |
useToasts | Manages toasts shown within the chatbot, such as showing or missing them. |
useVoice | Manages voice functionality, such as toggling voice on or off |
Hook Details
Below is a detailed description of each hook and the functions they expose.
The useAudio
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's audio functionality.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
audioToggledOn | boolean | Indicates if the chatbot audio is currently on or off. |
toggleAudio | async function | Toggles the chatbot audio on or off. |
Code Example
import { useAudio } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { toggleAudio } = useAudio();
return (
<button onClick={toggleAudio}></button>
The useBotId
hook allows you to retrieve the bot id (mainly for plugin developers).
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
getBotId | function | Retrieves the bot id. |
Code Example
import { useBotId } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { getBotId } = useBotId();
return (
<button onClick={getBotId}></button>
The useChatHistory
hook allows you to show, retrieve and set chat history messages.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
showChatHistory | function | Shows the chat history messages on the chatbot. |
getHistoryMessages | function | Retrieves the chat history messages. |
setHistoryMessages | function | Sets the chat history messages (note that this is permanent). |
Code Example
import { useChatHistory } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { showChatHistory } = useChatHistory();
return (
<button onClick={showChatHistory}></button>
The useChatWindow
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's window state.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
isChatWindowOpen | boolean | Indicates if the chat window is currently open or close. |
toggleChatWindow | async function | Toggles the chat window open or close. |
Code Example
import { useChatWindow } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { toggleChatWindow } = useChatWindow();
return (
<button onClick={toggleChatWindow}></button>
The useFirstInteraction
hook allows you to track if a page has been interacted with.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
hasInteractedPage | boolean | Indicates if the page has been interacted with. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFirstInteraction } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { hasInteractedPage } = useFirstInteraction();
useEffect(() => {
// do something if has interacted
}, [hasInteractedPage])
return (
The useFlow
hook allows you to get a flow, restart a flow and track if a flow has started.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
hasFlowStarted | boolean | Indicates if the chatbot flow has started. |
getFlow | function | Retrieves the chatbot flow. |
restartFlow | function | Restarts the chatbot flow. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFirstInteraction } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { hasFlowStarted } = useFirstInteraction();
useEffect(() => {
// do something if flow has started
}, [hasFlowStarted])
return (
The useMessages
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's messages.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
injectMessage | async function | A utility function used to inject a message into the chat, identical to params.injectMessage detailed here. |
streamMessage | async function | A utility function used to stream messages into the chat, identical to params.streamMessage detailed here. |
endStreamMessage | async function | A utility function used to indicate the end of an existing message stream, identical to params.endMessageStream detailed here. |
removeMessage | async function | A utility function used to remove a message from the chat, identical to params.removeMessage detailed here. |
messages | Array<Message> | Array containing all messages currently shown in the chatbot. |
replaceMessages | function | Directly replaces the current messages with provided messages. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useMessages } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { injectMessage } = useMessages();
useEffect(() => {
// inject custom message
injectMessage("my custom message");
}, [])
return (
The useNotifications
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's notifications functionality.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
notificationsToggledOn | boolean | Indicates if the chatbot notifications is currently on or off. |
toggleNotifications | async function | Toggles the chatbot notifications on or off. |
playNotificationSound | function | Plays the notification sound. |
Code Example
import { useNotifications } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { toggleNotifications } = useNotifications();
return (
<button onClick={toggleNotifications}></button>
The usePaths
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's paths.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
getCurrPath | function | Retrieves the current path of the user. |
getPrevPath | function | Retrieves the previous path of the user. |
goToPath | function | Sends the user to a specified path, identical to params.goToPath detailed here. |
paths | Array<string> | Array containing all paths the user has taken in order. |
replacePaths | function | Directly replaces the current paths with provided paths (hardly a reason to do this, think twice). |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { usePaths } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { goToPath } = usePaths();
useEffect(() => {
// go to custom path
}, [])
return (
The useSettings
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's settings.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
settings | Settings | Represents the current settings of the chatbot. |
replaceSettings | function | Directly replaces the current settings with provided settings. |
updateSettings | function | Modifies and merges the provided settings with existing settings. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useSettings } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { settings, updateSettings } = useSettings();
useEffect(() => {
if (settings.general?.embedded) {
// disable audio if chatbot is embedded
updateSettings({audio: {disabled: false}})
}, [])
return (
The useStyles
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's styles.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
styles | Styles | Represents the current styles of the chatbot. |
replaceStyles | function | Directly replaces the current styles with provided styles. |
updateStyles | function | Modifies and merges the provided styles with existing styles. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useStyles } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { updateStyles } = useStyles();
useEffect(() => {
// update header style
updateStyles({headerStyle: {background: "red"}})
}, [])
return (
The useTextArea
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's text area field.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
textAreaDisabled | boolean | Indicates if the text area is disabled. |
toggleTextAreaDisabled | function | Toggles the text area disabled state. |
textAreaSensitiveMode | boolean | Indicates if the text area is in sensitive mode. |
toggleTextAreaSensitiveMode | function | Toggles the text area sensitive mode. |
getTextAreaValue | function | Retrieves the string value inside the text area. |
setTextAreaValue | async function | Sets the value inside the text area, identical to params.setTextAreaValue detailed here. |
focusTextArea | function | Focuses on the text area. |
blurTextArea | function | Blurs (lose focus of) the text area. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useTextArea } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { focusTextArea } = useTextArea();
useEffect(() => {
// focus on chatbot input text area
}, [])
return (
The useToasts
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's toasts.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
showToast | async function | Shows a toast in chat, identical to params.showToast detailed here. |
dismissToast | async function | Dismisses a toast from chat, identical to params.dismissToast detailed here. |
toasts | Array<Toast> | Array containing all toasts currently shown in the chatbot |
replaceToasts | function | Directly replaces the current toasts with provided toasts. |
Code Example
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useToasts } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { showToast } = useToasts();
useEffect(() => {
// shows a toast for 3 seconds
showToast("Hello, I'm a toast message!", 3000)
}, [])
return (
The useVoice
hook allows you to track and manage the chatbot's voice functionality.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
voiceToggledOn | boolean | Indicates if the chatbot voice is currently on or off. |
toggleVoice | async function | Toggles the chatbot voice on or off. |
Code Example
import { useVoice } from "react-chatbotify";
const MyNestedComponent = () => {
const { toggleVoice } = useVoice();
return (
<button onClick={toggleVoice}></button>