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The chatbot provides a settings prop that empowers you to tweak the features and functionalities of your chatbot. Within settings, you can customize the chatbot to align with your specific needs and preferences such as disabling notifications or enabling audio.

The settings prop is an object that contains sections (which in turn contains properties) and they may be passed to the ChatBot in the form of section: {property: value} as shown in the examples below:

  • botBubble: {showAvatar: false}
  • audio: {disabled: false}
  • general: {primaryColor: "#ff0000", embedded: true}
  • notifications: {disabled: true}
  • voice: {language: "en-US"}

If any of the explanations or usages are unclear to you, you may always reference the default settings for an example.


Within settings, configurable fields are grouped into different sections, each representing a specific aspect of the chatbot. Below are some available sections:

  • General: General configurations for the chatbot
  • Advance: Advanced configurations for the chatbot.
  • Audio: Configuration for chatbot audio settings.
  • BotBubble: Configuration for bot chat bubbles.
  • ChatWindow: Configuration for the chatbot window.
  • Emoji: Configuration for chatbot emojis.
  • FileAttachment: Configuration for chatbot file attachments.
  • Notification: Configuration for chatbot notifications.

For the full list of available sections, you may refer to the API documentation.

Each section contains distinct properties that provide granular control over the behavior of the chatbot. These properties are extensively documented in the API documentation for settings, providing comprehensive details and guidance on customization. Below is an example demonstrating how properties within sections can be customized. Experiment with it!

Live Editor
const MyComponent = () => {
  const settings = {
    isOpen: true,
    general: {
      primaryColor: '#42b0c5',
      secondaryColor: '#491d8d',
      fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
      embedded: true
    audio: {
      disabled: false,
    chatHistory: {
      storageKey: "concepts_settings"
    // other sections

  return (
    <ChatBot settings={settings} />

  <div style={{display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}}>