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The chatbot provides a styles prop that provides you with the means to alter the appearance of your chatbot. Within styles, you can customize various components of your chatbot to fit your desired design, such as replacing the bot avatar or changing the background color of the footer.

Similar to the settings prop, the styles prop is an object that contains sections (which in turn contains React CSS Properties) and they may be passed to the ChatBot in the form of section: {property: value} as shown in the examples below:

  • botBubbleStyle: {fontSize: "10"}
  • sendButtonStyle: {backgroundColor: "#00ff00"}
  • chatButtonStyle: {background: "red"}
  • headerStyle: {background: "#00ff00", color: "#0000ff"}
  • footerStyle: {fontSize: 12}

If any of the explanations or usages are unclear to you, you may always reference the default styles for an example.


Within styles, you will find different sections corresponding to different components of the chatbot. Below are some available sections:

  • bodyStyle: Styles for the chatbot body.
  • botBubbleStyle: Styles for bot chat bubbles.
  • botOptionStyle: Styles for settings.
  • chatHistoryButtonStyle: Styles for the chat history button.
  • loadingSpinnerStyle: Styles for the loading spinner.
  • notificationBadgeStyle: Styles for the chatbot notification badge.
  • sendButtonHoveredStyle: Styles for the hovered send button.
  • tooltipStyle: Styles for the chatbot tooltip.

For the full list of available sections, you may refer to the API documentation.

Each section receives React CSS Properties that allow you to style your chatbot, and they are extensively documented in the API documentation for styles. Below is an example demonstrating how you may style various aspects of the chatbot. Experiment with it!

Live Editor
const MyComponent = () => {
  // necessary to embed the chatbot for it to show on the page
  const settings = {
    general: {
      embedded: true

  // styles here
  const styles = {
    headerStyle: {
      background: '#42b0c5',
      color: '#ffffff',
      padding: '10px',
    chatWindowStyle: {
      backgroundColor: '#f2f2f2',
    // ...other styles

  return (
    <ChatBot styles={styles} settings={settings}/>

  <div style={{display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}}>

You can potentially save time by browsing for themes to pick out designs close to your desired appearance, and then customize on top of it.